Saturday, March 19, 2005

My Views: Desis

DESIS (As appeared in The Times of India Editorial Page: Conversation with the readers)

This is with reference to the ‘The times of India’ article, dated 17th December 2004, where Asian Indians were compared to Asians, and the rest of Americans. I personally feel that, comparing the Indian and other Asian immigrants with The US citizens is something unfair. This can be explained by the fact that, the best amongst the Indian lot gets the opportunity to go abroad, with US in top preference. So it’s but natural that, the best amongst all the 1b Indians may have settled amongst the Yankees. But on the comparison chart we saw the average of US citizens, where just the best lot wasn’t considered. It showcased the proportions of the average American. So, an average American can only be compared with an average Indian, and not an average Indian settled in US. When we say that about 63% of Indians are graduates and above, we should also consider that the literacy rate back home is merely 65.4% ad that of US is 96%.
But something that satisfies is that Indians have proved to be the best immigrants amongst the lot, as they are lot better than an average Asian. The desis shine along with India.

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