Thursday, March 16, 2023

What is enlightenment?


Enlightenment is not gaining anything. It is dropping everything that is counter productive to establishing the universal connection and being in unconditional love. Universal connection from my understanding is feeling connected with even the most uncomfortable event, most frustrating person or most averseful object. It is also feeling connected to people we don't know. And unconditional love is that of a love of a mother. It's loving without having any expectations. 

So achieving nirvana, moksh, enlightenment etc has nothing to do with settling down in the Himalayas. But it has most certainly something to do with loving the person who is bothering you right now. It has something to do with not running away from a situation that makes you uncomfortable and it has most certainly something to do with caring about everyone as if they are a part of you.

What do you think? Please do let me know in the comments section below. 

Jai Gurudev. 

1 comment:

Kaybeemm said...

Well put forth. It's being nirlipta. Thus not getting carried away by situations.