Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Nature know what's best for you.

Worrying about the future is such a waste, 
Nature knows for me what's the best. 

I was once attending a satsang with Swami Suryapada (Chaya Anna) 
He said, "You see that tree 🎄 on the top of the mountain ⛰? See how tall it has grown. Did you go there everyday to water it? No right? So The Entity that took care of that tree, don't you think It will take care of you too?" 

I remember once I failed miserably in my academics. For a moment it seemed like the end of the world. But in hindsight when I connect the dots today, I realise that the failure was extremely necessary for me to land up on my first job. This has happened to all of us. Whatever failures, obstacles we have experienced in our life, have contributed to our success. So let's have faith that whatever we are going through right now, it's for the best. It's necessary for something beautiful in store ahead. 

Now how to sustain the phase of pure agony and pain? Meditation has the power to take care of a big deal of the pain. It has the ability to heal. Surround yourself with positive uplifting people. Don't indulge in unnecessary gossip and negative news. Ensure your body is getting tired and that you are getting a good night's sleep. And if none of the above is working, sit in an advance Meditation 🧘‍♂️ program. 

Restore your faith. 

Jai Gurudev 

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