Monday, May 01, 2023

Happiness is tapping into the silence within


Mind chatters a lot. Its constantly jumping from one place to another. It's not very easy for mind to stay focussed somewhere. It's full of plans, anxiety, fear, regret, anger, frustration, complaints albeit happy thoughts too.

Whatever we are thinking, it's creating ripples in our mind. The nature of ripples is that they travel far and trigger movement somewhere else. So one thought triggers another thought and so on and so forth. Thai chain of thoughts most of the times drains us out.

The best part of this nature of mind is that at it's core, it's silent. Hence whenever we come out of meditation 🧘‍♂️ we feel calm. There are much less thoughts. And if we have just practiced Sudarshan Kriya, then without doubt there are no thoughts in your mind. 

Good idea to tap into that beautiful and happy silence at least once a day. It helps bring down the mind chatter and rejeunates us! 

What do you think? 

Jai Gurudev 

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