Monday, April 24, 2023

Have patience! your efforts will eventually give fruits.


Mango tree take 5 years for mangoes to sprout while berries produce fruit in less than a year. 

Sometimes we take action and expect the results to blossom immediately. It's not necessary that we will get our returns immediately. 

Human minds are complex. If you give an advice today, you may never know when will it benefit that person at what point in his/her life! Certain type of investment gives quick returns while some give steady and long term returns.

Some ideas bring immediate results, while some take a lot of hard work and years of sacrifices to show some result. 

Similarly many a times people ask 'Why do good things happen to bad people?' we may never know at what point in their life their bad karma will sprout!

Just keep sowing seeds of goodness everywhere. Be good to people. Be kind, be generous, be empathetic, be lovable, empower people around, take them out of their loneliness, give them their solace, make them laugh. You may never know which of these seeds will sprout at what time in their life! 

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