Wednesday, October 16, 2013

H2 Ohhhhh!!

The glimmering source of Light and few visible fishes around, all my life so far I have been successfully dodging all the fishes. Can't remember where my journey really began! But slowly a realisation dawns inside me that maybe I have always been existing. The glimmer above seems quite hopeful, but to get in that direction I have to pierce my way through other buddy molecules.

Certainly the life behind was in absolute dark with occasional stings from some electrified fishes. I could feel some dangerous fishes brushing across my last electron. Directionless, it took years for me - a water molecule to penetrate even a little above. And I have no clue as to why really I was bearing all the pressure. It becomes difficult to appreciate the beauty of the deep sea when you are in despair.

But now that I have seen the  source of the light, I know I have to tread the path towards it. As it's light becomes even more evident, my surroundings seem to be joyful. Everything around looks so beautiful. And now I know it is all purely because of the grace of the source of light. But what really is that source  the quest boggles. But I also know somewhere deep that this journey will be fulfilling.

Right now my life has a purpose to move towards that light. Earlier I spent my life getting swayed by every living and non living thing in the ocean. I was prone to their anger, their fights, their kills, their love, their presence and their absence. I had no idea how big this ocean would be and that how long would I be pushed in God knows how many directions. Even now I'm getting pushed, but I am well aware of which direction I'm supposed to travel. I might even go little below, but I know that my love for that source of light will drive me to move above. The more I pierce my way above the clearer my world gets and the more I fall in love with this world. And all of this is because of that awesome source of light.

The reflected rays from above do give an idea of what the source of light is, but I am yet to discover it. It looks round, it looks yellow, orange, red. Oh! Here passes that cloud again eclipsing that source of light. But I have faith that it is still there. Few moments of disappearance won't deter my years of practice of moving towards it. Sun, my source of inspiration, my very purpose of living so far won't quite so easily on me. Aah! Finally the clouds have passed away and I can see him again. The closer I get to the surface of the ocean the warmer it feels.

Wheee! This push from the fish seems to have bubbled me to the surface. And what is happening here now? Am I flying? I'm getting detached from the rest of the molecules. The bondage between the molecules with me seems to loosen up. I'm free! I'm free! Thank you dear Sun for pulling me towards you. My struggle to come this far seems to be worthwhile. Your love and the warmth pulled me up!

Now I can see the ocean in its entirety. Such a beautiful sight! As I fly up, the horizon widens. I am seeing
the world from a whole new perspective now. The wind seems to be carrying the rest of my free buddies. But I don't wish to get swayed. I want to go up. I'm pushing myself hard, but oh dear sun, I need your help here. It's your warmth that can make all the difference.
Wheee! Here I get pushed again. What a lovely sight it is from this altitude. I just cannot believe that just couple of years ago I was living in absolute dark. This freedom is enticing & reliving. Rather now I realise what is freedom really! Bliss! Pure bliss! I was cradled in the arms of my mother earth so far where she took lovely care of me. Now comes the time when I get to explore the unexplored. I now wish to know why am I here after all?

I think with this velocity I am going to dash the cloud above. Ouch! That hurt. But it seems to be a nice cozy ship. All such free buddies like me have assembled here. Together we are soaring above while moving ahead too.
I can see the land now. Animals drink water here too? I thought that was a prerogative of only fishes! That means that I run in their veins too. Quite evidently I'm everywhere existing in different forms. I can take form of ocean, rivers, lakes, mist, vapour, clouds etc. I seem to be learning a lot from my buddies here who have more experience with this cloud.

I run through all the living beings and I nourish the non living too. All of them are just me in some or the other forms. I'm enjoying this purity where I'm being untouched by any other molecule. Winds come and sway but it doesn't really matter any longer.
Now I know that I'm here for others. I'm not just here to soar in the skies and enjoy this cruise, but I'm here to contribute my bit in this whole system of life.

Now, to serve my purpose, I need to drop down into the arms of my mother earth so that I can make some life down there worth living. Albeit this dive keeps in store the knowledge of the purpose of life for some living being down there.

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